Tajine de Bœuf Haché aux Champignons / Minced Beef With Mushrooms


Temps Préparation: 10 min
Cuisson: 30 min
Parts 4 personne(s)


  • 1 oignon
  • 1 gousse d’ail
  • 4 cuillerées d’huile d’olive
  • 200 g de viande de bœuf hachée (on peut utiliser des restes)
  • 20 g de champignons (ou surgelés ou boite)
  • 200 g de pulpe de tomates (ou 1 boite de pulpe selon la saison)
  • 1 cube de bouillon
  • Sel poivre
  • 1 pincée d’herbes de Provence


  • 1 grande poêle


  1. Dans une grande poêle faire revenir l’oignon et la gousse d’ail dans l’huile. Ajouter la viande hachée et les champignons et faire revenir pendant quelques minutes
  2. Ajouter les tomates pelées, un cube de bouillon, un peu d’eau pour la fluidité de la sauce. Saler et poivrer
  3. Cuire à feu doux 30 mn environ. Ajouter une pincée d’herbes de Provence et mélanger.





Recipe by Nigel Slater. Serves 4 (with potatoes, crisp polenta or pasta)

butter – 50g
cubed bacon – 70g
a medium onion
garlic – 2 fat cloves
celery – 2 stalks
mushrooms – about 100g
bay leaves – 2
minced beef or lamb – 400g
canned crushed tomatoes – 400g
stock – 200ml
a nutmeg

Melt the butter in a large, heavy-based pan then stir in the bacon and let it cook for five minutes or so, without colouring much.

Meanwhile peel and finely chop the onion and garlic and stir it into the bacon, followed by the celery, finely chopped. Lastly, finely chop the mushrooms and add to the pan, then tuck in the bay leaves and leave to cook for 10 minutes over a moderate heat, stirring frequently.

Turn up the heat and tip in the meat, breaking it up well with a fork. Now leave to colour without stirring for a good three or four minutes, then, as the meat on the bottom is starting to brown, stir again, breaking up the meat where necessary and leave to colour.

Mix in the tomatoes and stock and a grating of nutmeg, and some salt and black pepper, letting it come to the boil. Turn the heat down so that everything barely bubbles. There should be movement, but one that is gentle, not quite a simmer. Partially cover with a lid and leave to putter away for a good hour or so, stirring from time to time, regularly checking the liquid levels. Serve with pasta, potatoes or crisp polenta.

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